We've finished preparing your site for you. Here are the next steps:

Install your project
Install the project that contains your application's code.
Install a project
Setup your domain
Rename the site's domain to the domain you plan to actually use.
Update the site's domain
Configure your DNS records
Configure the DNS records for this site at your domain registrar.
Forge has wonderful documentation. Whether you're new or have previous experience, we recommend reading all of the documentation from beginning to end.
Explore the documentation
Laracasts has a comprehensive and free video course on Forge. Feel free to review this course if you are new to Laravel Forge and want a video overview of its features.
Watch videos
Forge supports installing custom certificates and using LetsEncrypt to generate free certificates for your site. Of course, Forge will automatically renew your LetsEncrypt certificates.
Install SSL
The Forge circles feature allow you to collaborate with team members. You can create as many circles as you would like and add as many team members as needed to each circle.
Share your server with your teammates